rak buku saye yang messy malas nak kemas..dan buku2 cerite time bosam..
oh buku..SAYE MEMANG SUKE BUKU..obses terhadapnye..
especially yang jenis ber'sequel' tu,huhuhu,selagi tak cukup collection memang tak aman hidop..
m,kat sini,i just brought 3 out of seven of my harry potter's series..
the da vinci code yang dibeli kat KLIA dengan aizum malam before fly ke mesir wat kali pertama..
collection of shopaholic yang dibeli time bookfair last year..sangat murah dan berbaloi..hilarious..
sume neh insyaAllah akan fly bersame saye ke malaysia this year..next year nk borong buku pe lagi eh..suggestions plis..i prefer the author like sophie kinsella,jk rowling,somekind who can wrote a very silly,unexpected,funny and also meaningful story~
and also i didn't care how much it's price if it is my fav or a cool book to read~^^
collection of books from 2009 bookfair..and another 3 book that i didn't finish yet..
cuba cecelia ahern. buku buku dia agak best. and lauren weisberger. ;)
buku-buku amy mahal lake..xdop pitih kak leha nak beli..hehehe..xpe2..rajin membaca menambah ilmu...
hahaha thanks for da info akak~
kak leha buley ajo amy kitab2 kat leha lop..
kalo paham amy bli kitab tu pulok..ihihihi
a thousand splendid suns by khaled hosseini.best gilak.
lepas tu, my friend leonardo/million little pieces-both by james frey.
lepas tu, hurm, pe lg ehh.entah
byk sungguh tuan hamba baca membaca buku
nk pinjam se!!
ika : hahaha thankies for da info~
toqki: buley buley..nk pinjam hop mane se?
emy..ade twilight collection..wow!
kalu kaklong tahu mesti dia jeles sbb dia mintak kakzaty belikan utk hadiah besday dia tahun ni..hhee
bgtau kaklong biar kaklong jeles~~hehehe
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