malam tetibe hormon suke berubah ubah
sekejap sedeyh sekejap cam hepi..
huhuhu gni la kalo nk exam
mcm2 jenis symptoms terzahir
huhu silap2 diagnose pasti sah msk wad mental neh..
hmm,huhuhu xtau la nk mumbling ape,tp tu la..
date with nat seems to make me feel wanna disect someone..
huhuhu anyone favors to be my victim???
date with doc house make me wanna cry..
how can i'll be like him???huhuhu
life is not a toy for da doc to make the experiment..
abused is unprofesional but sometimes its useful..
how come i'll do it?ya Allah..
tika di uji hidop seems so hard,but when we're hepi life seems like pollen which fly freely..
ibu ayoh,i miss u so much..huhuhu feel guilty for many days..
how can it would be like this hmm??
amirah tabah la~
Allah xkan uji kalo kite xmampu..
maybe sbb terlalu leka dgn nikmat keduniaan,
so Allah uji sikit nk tau thp keimananmu..huhu Tuhan aku insan yg lemah..
aku jua rindukn rahmatMu ya Allah,kekasihMu ya Allah..
p/s:mode mumbling n mengarut..hohoho
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3 years ago
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