ibu: how's ur preparation for final exam?
me: errr..a little bit la...
ibu:m,u know what to do rite?
mesti ibu sedih kan..maap ibu..
i know,u already know that i'm the last minute student,
but still.. when u asked me that ques,angoh rase betol betol bersaloh..
so miserable..yup my life turns upside down now,and i really didn't know what to do..
some kind of lost of all my aims..
i really really sick of all of this..
malas gile gile nak grab books,then dalam kelas cam menyesal sebab taktau pape..
n one more thing,saye TIDO dalam kelas..
if ibu n ayoh knows this one memang sedih sangat sangat kam...
erghhhh..anak cikgu mat nong..
wake up la from ur not-so-sweet dream tu..
bace vision kan lagi baik,dop pom protein..paling tidak ear..erkk huhuhu
conclusion: both of us are terluka...i'll try best ibu...
Dari Blog Ke Telegram
3 years ago
xpe amy..our 'cylce' dh nk restart..tu yg kelang kelibut sket..amy boleyh je..aku yakin..ko pn yakin..go my go..
last minute okmo mu amy..
pdhal stiap kli sblum mu ajo set laki,
study abes dh 1 bab..
bknkh stdy nmanya tu??
saye : syukran awi..kite berusaha k~~
lukpi: time ajo mg org memang study tapi xwape lekat...lg pom ajo sep2 mg biokem je..physio,anat n histo?huhuhu..psikooo~
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