dear blog,
cik amy tak tau ape yang cik amy rase sekarang.everything yang cik amy buat,cik amy rase cam useless n lousy.cik amy rase sebab dye kot.huhuhu entahlah.cik amy tau cik amy tak perlu n langsung tak payah pk pasal dye.tapi dye keep bugging in my mind.n i just cant keep dye out of it no matter how hard i had tried.yang cik amy tau sekarang,cik amy keep praying that dye blah dari minda cik amy[haha cam lawak je word minda tu.skema habis bunyinye].lantak dye la dye nak wat ape.up to diri dye.nak ignoring me,ok fine cik amy dah tak nak kisah lagi.wat la perangai cmtu.takpe,ok,cik amy boleh cari lain.huh!
okay,cik amy rase cik amy dah silap marah orang.sowi la blog,cik amy rase cam best je marah marah kat sini.sebab DYE.okaii,sebab DYE.ouh yep,cik amy rase sangat geram terhadap dye.bile dye wat cmneh kat cik amy,memang cik amy rase nak nangis aje even so, tak worth pom nak nanges pasal DYE.okaii.cik amy dah rase sangat kesian kat air mate neh sebab keluar for the unforgiven reason.haihla.cik amy akan stop la air mate useless neh.
n thankies a lot blog.cik amy rase sangat lega la bile luah kat sini.mesti ade orang kate mende neh pom nak tulis ke?aiyohhh lantak la orang nak kate ape.dah tangan neh gataiii nak menaip di sini,sape la cik amy nak menghalang.haha nampaknye fine movement cik amy tak dapat di kawal oleh superior center lagi.haha bagus bagus.jangan buat mende tak senonoh sudey.hehe.
ok untuk dye,dah la.cik amy dah tak larat lagi.if u wanna say goodbye,plis say it now.n let me hurt now.not in the future.let me feel all of those stupid feeling from now on.bcoz i dont thik that i can handle it tomorrow. n sorry seems to be the hardest word rite now.[hahaha sound jiwang heh]
ok la cik amy mao membuang mase.tengok cite cite yang blom dihabiskan lagi.yeah.lets party tonite.yeah!yeah!
cik amy yang entahpape :)
Dari Blog Ke Telegram
3 years ago
ceyh..dh byk post yg aku termiss ...punyer la siot aku nyer belog..x gtau pun ade latest2 update..erm2..thanks for da nice jog anyway..
hahaha.aku rase blog aku yg ade prob sbb cm tak terupdate je kat web lain.entah la.hahaha thankies to u tooo for the nice jog.let's jog agai ok~~
dear jgn sesedyh ok? chayouk2! x worth fkir pasal happy k!
yeah dear.thank u so much for spending ur precious time on me.heheh i'm ok now.
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