
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

..the END of 2009..

i really dont believe it that its already 29th of dec 09 today.seems like the time always forget to remind me that i am out of date rite now.haih.anyway,tahun baru hijrah pom dah lame berlalu,harap azam azam amy akan tertunai.n also for welcoming the new year,luckily this year we r celebrating it on friday,so amy cuti n azam baru nak mengemas segala mess yang telah amy buat.hopefully i will redeem it.haih.

dan juga this blogging thingy dah nak masuk a year,n bile review balik,malu betol.haih emo betol si amy neh.kate dah matang tapi tu la.hurm.n time review tu,amy terbuat la satu konklusi,banyak bende yang berlaku time amy 2nd year medical student.n amy looked really relaks n malas entahpape.then bile masuk around oct n nov amy dah 3rd year,n agak macam kejutan budaya pom ade la.amy looked really stress sbb 3rd is very hard.damn hard.bukan sebab susah nak paham ke ape.but too much info to digest in a year to go on for the next year n the subjects r really make me sick actually.ergh..

anyway ape ape pom yang Allah turunkan pada diri ini sudah setimpal dengan kemampuan diri ini.terpulang cik punye badan la puloknye nak mengubah macam mane.nak jadi bonsai ke bab kate inche pres,or jadi bunge matahari ke etc etc.nak gempak skit tukar jadi bom atom ke.maksudnye,u choose to live well or live hell.nak well,kena la ke kelas jangan malas malas,study rajin rajin,tp takpayah la sampai jadi nerd 24/7 nak kne bace buku ke ape,but cool n steady r[hard+smart ].cool pom cool la jugak.kalo terlebih cool memang la hell jadinye nanti.

kadang kadang amy lost tract ape yang doc cube ajar sebenarnye dalam ke mane kah sume yang diajar yang kadang kadang after dah anto exam paper terus hilang bersame same.then,bile terfikir semula,aku neh betol ke nak jadi doc?nak rawat orang?nak pulih orang?sebab aku cam main main aje.regret.i really regret to b a person like that azam baru,amy perlu rajin.rajin rajin rajin [sebut 40 kali insyaAllah dimakbulkan].he he he :D yup sebut jugak kawan kawan ku juge jadi rajin.sebab ahmad kate,jangan doakan diri sendiri je.kawan kawan pom skali.'baik ahmad.'

so sempena the so-called midterm yang tak silap pendengaran dan pengiraan dengan dak dak arab yang lebih kurang a month lagi which is maybe la,tak tau la betol ke idaknye yang all subjects in  a week,so we have to strive from now la.grab all the chances that we have to swallow all the info,digest n send to brain to circulate in papez's circuit n let them b there for the rest of our life. or in a word. STUDY la sayang oi!


hanglipoh said...

haha.gud2.sapemiku da manyak brubah skrg.
azam taun bru,amy!

amy mohd nor said...

yup.i can seee~~
hahaha berusaha kak poh!

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